07.12.2022 | 12.00 - 13.00 CET | Labcafé online | English

In order to realise the full potential of lean in the laboratory, a laboratory can act on several levers. These include, for example, optimizing laboratory workflows and processes, reducing walking, improving material storage and organization, and reducing waiting times. By applying lean techniques, a laboratory can increase productivity by 30-60%. In addition, lean techniques can be used to eliminate staff capacity bottlenecks and reduce turnaround times and laboratory errors. Together we will look behind the scenes and learn more about what this looks like in practice.
Our Labcafé online concept: Take a coffee break and be inspired! Once a month, we look to new trends from different perspectives. What, Why, How - three short impulses from international operators, managers, planners, users and experts for all visionaries of future labs.
- 12.00
Welcome & Moderation
Alexander Biller | Director Concepts + Innovations | Waldner
- 12.00 - 12.20
Impulse 1
What are the possibilities to improve labs with lean management tools?
Dr. Wolf-Christian Gerstner | Founder & CEO | Geniu GmbH (Expert perspective)
- 12.20 - 12.40
Impulse 2
How can we integrate the new possibilities in lab running operations?
Stefan Jäger | Head of Lab Operations Hameln | GBA Group - Food (User perspective)
- 12.40 - 13.00
Impulse 3
Why should we rethink our processes and spaces continuously?
Dr. Wolf-Christian Gerstner | Founder & CEO | Geniu GmbH (Expert perspective)
- 13.00
Q&A Session