18.10.2023 | 12.00 - 13.00 CEST | Labcafé online | English

The construction and operation of laboratory buildings are among the most cost-intensive areas of companies. Together we will look at Best in Group solutions of over 150 buildings in the chemical, pharmaceutical and life science sectors. What are the key figures for space requirements? What are the costs for building services, maintenance, supply and disposal? How much costs arise over the life cycle of the property? Our experts will deep-dive into their laboratory buildings and share with us their lessons learned.
Our Labcafé online concept: Take a coffee break and be inspired! Once a month, we look to new trends from different perspectives. What, Why, How - three short impulses from international operators, managers, planners, users and experts for all visionaries of future labs.
- 12.00
Welcome & Moderation
Alexander Biller | Director Concepts + Innovations | Waldner
- 12.00 - 12.20
Impulse 1
How can we make cross-industry knowledge visible to all?
Andreas Kühne | Managing Partner | Bauakademie Performance Management
- 12.20 - 12.40
Impulse 2
Why is it necessary to start a green foot print as early as possible?
Jörg Petri | Head of site services | Bayer AG
- 12.40 - 13.00
Impulse 3
What are the key-drivers for professional benchmarking?
Markus Hauser | Plant Manager Infrastructure B | Covestro Deutschland AG
- 13.00
Q&A Session