Rethink laboratory consulting
Precise. Co-creative. Inspiring

Our lab consulting is different, just like you. Together, we break with the mould, think outside the box. This results in fresh, innovative ideas for your existing and future laboratories. Co-creatively in a team consisting of you and us. With precise methods and inspiring tools, with a wealth of know-how and global expertise.

Impulses for your future lab

Many people talk about the lab of the future, we are developing many of them. With our two "Design" packages, you can decide whether you want us on board as a driving force or as a co-designer. You can be sure of our full engagement.

Do you need best practice impulses, a look over your shoulder or valuable tips & tricks?

Our DesignAssist gets to the heart of the matter:

  • Global Best Practice
  • Layout Review & Optimization
  • Consulting & Benchmarking
Are you looking for a lean, co-creative process and innovative concept variants?

Our DesignSprint offers the ideal support:

  • Inventory analyses & user interviews
  • Development of different concept variants
  • Visualization through mood boards & 3D prototypes

Superpowers for your existing labs

There is a lot of potential in your laboratories. With our "Basics" we have developed compact programs based on the Pareto principle. 80% improvement with only 20% effort. Now all you have to do is decide which topic you want to start with.

Would you like to reduce energy consumption and costs in your existing laboratories?

With GreenBasics you can achieve maximum savings:

  • 14 focus topics to choose from
  • Inspection, workshop & action plan
  • Optional: My Green Lab® certification
Do you dream of laboratory processes that are better, more efficient and safer?

LeanBasics boosts your performance:

  • Analysis of workstations & process
  • Optimisation of processes & resources
  • Implementation of Orgatools
Do you want to connect laboratory equipment, automate processes or digitize topics?

With SmartBasics, you can pick up speed:

  • Connectivity of devices and infrastructure
  • Digitalization & automation of processes
  • Tracking & visualization of information

Creating Labs where magic happens

We are full of ideas, just like you. Using innovative methods and clever tools, we precisely analyse the status quo of your laboratory and co-creatively develop the future. The result: your customised lab of the future, where extraordinary things happen.

Infografik Leistungen


Alexander Biller

Alexander Biller

Director Waldner Concepts + Innovations Dipl.-Ing. Architect


Simply contact us. We would be happy to present our services to you without obligation in a short online appointment.

Our method is simply efficient

Your time is valuable. That's why we have trimmed everything for efficient processes: 24/7 online collaboration board with predefined process steps, clever tools and templates for rapid implementation, flexible meetings and workshops (remote, hybrid or on-site), modularly expandable focus topics (smart, lean, green or well-being),...

Hello Inspiration

Laboratories are our passion: biology, physics and chemistry laboratories, R&D laboratories, QA laboratories and many more. For start-ups, companies and public institutions. STEM labs for schools or for training and further education.

Green Lab Benchmarking

Green Lab Projects

Green Lab Certifications

The Future of Labs

Innovation Center

Roche pRED Innovation Center

Life Science Factory

Roche Accelerator

Incubators & Accelerators

Lab Facilities with BIM

Well-being Labs

Lean Labs

Smart Labs

Digital Labs

Automation Labs

Universities & Institutes

Global STEM Labs

School of the Future

laboratory expertise

laboratory expertise

Inspiring ideas 
and creativity

Inspiring ideas
and creativity

methods & tools

methods & tools

Questions? With pleasure.

Why Waldner and not another service provider?

The Team of Waldner Concepts + Innovations is also your external consultant, creative initiator and innovatively challenging sparring partner. The combination of laboratory expertise, methodological competence and creativity makes us unique.

  • Laboratory expertise from lighthouse projects all over the world
  • Methodological competence and toolboxes for efficient and agile processes
  • Creativity to combine smart investments with high-performance and an atmosphere of well-being
How does Concepts + Innovations take us forward?

We offer the services to transform your laboratory to be fit for the future.

  • End-to-end laboratory consulting and project support
  • Analysis and transformation of laboratory buildings, infrastructure, technologies and organisation
  • Generation of ideas and development of concepts through co-creative workshops
When should we bring Concepts + Innovations on board?

As early as possible, because most mistakes are made at the very beginning of a project. A sound analysis and a well-thought-out, sustainable overall concept are crucial for all further project steps. And, at the same time, this ultimately saves a lot of time and money.

What are the first steps?

Get in touch with us. We will find out together how we can sensibly get things off the ground in an online meeting. We also often start with a short free keynote talk on a topic of your choice and then discuss everything else after that. We can arrange our consulting and workshop services at your premises, fully online or also in a hybrid format.

Book your online introduction now

More information?

Let us find out how we can best support you on the path to your lab of the future.

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