Excellent “Made in Germany” innovations.
Our production and quality.

Waldner has taken giant leaps. What began in 1908 in the confined space of Wangen metalworking premises, today extends over a production area of 65,000 m². State-of-the-art and efficient. Still located in the Allgäu region of Germany because of the company’s attachment to the region, and continuing systematic “Made in Germany” production out of a sense of conviction. This is the beating heart of the company’s production and where the knowledge and expertise of 1,100 employees is focussed. Committed, innovative minds – the face of the excellent quality of our products. On short, networked paths. Together with you.

Our quality

Made in Germany - Made for you

Our site in Wangen produces high-end, ISO-certified “Made in Germany” quality. Transparently and innovatively thought-through. Environmental aspects are involved even at the production stage. Our quality is the momentum behind your satisfaction and also the gauge of it. Whether you require durability, precision, innovation, flexibility, technicality or sustainability: our products and solutions always need to meet the individual quality criteria you have previously defined. Uncompromisingly. Made for you.

Made in Germany. Made for you.

Our Production

Efficiently networked along short distances

We like doing things ourselves. Our high level of in-house production ensures reliable local supply, excellent quality guaranteed by in-house quality testing, resource savings and transparency. The degree of production and location of the individual workpieces or furniture can be tracked at any time by means of an end-to-end coding system. This increases the quality of our products and automatically shortens the throughput times. By way of example: The usual throughput time from panel storage to the finished carcass is just 3 to 4 hours. And because our flexible production facilities work at such a high technical level – continuous flow production is therefore even possible with batch size 1. Individuality in the flow, as it were.

Certificate Information Security Management System

Certificate Information Security Management System

For the scope Implementation, maintenance, operation and service management of IT and OT

Certificate Quality Management

Certificate Quality Management

For the scope Sales, Design/Construction, Project Planning etc.

Certificate Quality Management

Certificate Quality Management

For the scope Development, construction, purchasing etc.

Certificate Occupational and environmental protection

Certificate Occupational Health and Safety


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