06.10.2021 | 12.00 - 13.00 CEST | Labcafé online | English

The Future of Labs - Trends, insights and best practice around the world

Bild: Veranstaltung The Future of Labs

Laboratory landscapes around the world are developing rapidly. New forms of agile collaboration, topics such as automation, shared equipment or well-being must be thought of holistically. Together with you, we will travel around the world and make several stops. Take a look behind the scenes and look forward to great lighthouse projects that are in conception, but also already in operation.

Our Labcafé online concept: Take a coffee break and be inspired! Once a month, we look to new trends from different perspectives. What, Why, How - three short impulses from international operators, managers, planners, users and experts for all visionaries of future labs.



Welcome & Moderation

Alexander Biller | Director Concepts + Innovations | Waldner

12.00 - 12.20

Impulse 1

What are the top trends around the world?

Lena Mast | Director Global Account Management | Waldner
Maximilian Englisch | Vice President Global Sales | Waldner

12.20 - 12.40

Impulse 2

Why do we need to re-think traditional approaches?

Dr. Achim Grenz | Project Manager pRED Innovation Center | Roche (Switzerland)

12.40 - 13.00

Impulse 3

How can we integrate the trends in our labs?

Alexander Biller | Director Concepts + Innovations | Waldner

13.00 - 13.20

Q&A Session

Zur Karriere-Website
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