Labore der Zukunft brauchen Impulse.
Von Experten für Menschen, die vorausdenken.

Holen Sie sich viele inspirierende Impulse zur Transformation Ihrer Laborwelten. Schauen Sie mit uns hinter die Kulissen internationaler Projekte, lernen Sie von globalen Trends und Benchmarks und treiben Sie unseren Dialog auf Augenhöhe voran. Mit Waldner Experten, spannenden Speakern, Partnern und Teilnehmenden der Academy. Wir freuen uns auf innovative Einblicke und revolutionäre Ausblicke. Und den Austausch mit Ihnen.

 Live Event verpasst?

07.12.2023 | Kongress

Forschungsbau neu gedacht

18.10.2023 | Labcafé online 1h+

Green Lab Benchmarking – Optimize your building operations

03.05.2023 | Labcafé online 1h+

Green Lab Projects – Best practice around the world

05.04.2023 | Labcafé online 1h+

Green Lab Certifications – Compass to reduce resources

01.03.2023 | Labcafé online 1h+

Life Science Factory – The place where magic happens

08.02.2023 | Labcafé online 1h+

Roche Accelerator – Business booster for breathtaking ideas

18.01.2023 | Labcafé online 1h+

School of the Future – Best practice around the world

07.12.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Lean Labs – Improve your lab productivity

02.11.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Lab Facilities with BIM – Manage complexity simply

05.10.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Smart Labs – Start your digital transformation

15.06.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Automation Labs – Next level of high-performance

04.05.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Digital Labs – Trends to speed up laboratories

13.04.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Well-being Labs – Paradigm change for great job satisfaction

30.03.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Roche pRED Innovation Center – Thinking new dimensions

09.02.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Innovation Center – Key factors for future-oriented research spaces

19.01.2022 | Labcafé online 1h+

Global STEM Labs – Impulses for tomorrows learning spaces

01.12.2021 | Labcafé online 1h+

Universities & Institutes – Global campus trends for the future

03.11.2021 | Labcafé online 1h+

Incubators & Accelerators – The most important success factors

06.10.2021 | Labcafé online 1h+

The Future of Labs – Trends, insights and best practice around the world

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Unsere Experten

Dr. Samantha Hall

Dr. Samantha Hall
Principal Director, Campus Intuition | Academic, consultant and speaker. Expert for space influences on human behaviour.

Dr. Geo Adam

Dr. Geo Adam
Global Head of Research Infrastructure Projects, Roche | Innovative Enabler of future-oriented lab buildings and sustainable and user-centric workplace concepts.

Elena Aralova

Elena Aralova
Executive Director, Martela | Expert for educational architecture and inspirational spaces with focus on Russian schools.

Paul Roberts

Paul Roberts
Director, Turnberry UK | Strategist for university developments, Co-Autor of several Campus trend publications.

Jérôme Lutz

Jérôme Lutz
Founder & Visionary Lead, Smart Lab Architects | Inspirational Thinker and Design Sprinter of digital laboratory landscapes.

Bild: Svenia Busson

Svenia Busson
Co-founder, LearnSpace | Author, Speaker and Explorer of innovative pedagogical practices worldwide, Initiator of Edtech France, European Edtech Alliance, Edtech Tours.

Foto Alexander Biller

Alexander Biller
Director Concepts + Innovations, Waldner | Enthusiastic architect and visionary concept maker. Mastermind of the Waldner Academy.

Dario Tonelli

Dario Tonelli
Managing Director, Lab planning Tonelli | Continuous innovator in planning methods, efficiency processes and laboratory solutions.

Bild: David Keenan

David Keenan
CBRE Project Management National Director of Science & Research | Expert for large-scale complex Education, Health and Research facilities in Australia.

Bild: Simon Murphy

Simon Murphy
Project Manager, Innovation Center Düsseldorf, Henkel | R&D Facility expert developing infrastructure and processes to ensure its efficient operation.

Bild: Andreas Traube

Andreas Traube
Head of Laboratory Automation Department at Fraunhofer IPA | Enthusiastic realizing the next generation Lab Automation by Linking Processes, Technology and Digitalization.

BIld: Prof. Dr. Volker Nestle

Prof. Dr. Volker Nestle
Head of Product Development at Festo LifeTech | Chairman of the Board at Hahn-Schickard Gesellschaft, Expert for Lab Automation, Innovation and Technology Management.

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